What is Love?
You were created to live a life full of love. From the moment you were born until the moment you die, and throughout eternity, you were created to love and be loved. To live a life of love is to know the One who is the origin of all love – GOD. At the heart of Christianity is this one truth: GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4:16). Everything that God does stems from this heavenly DNA. Why does God forgive you? Why is He so faithful and compassionate? Why is He merciful and kind? Why did He send Jesus? Simply because He loves you!
When Jesus came to the earth, He lived to reveal the Father to us (Matthew 11:27). Everything Jesus did stemmed from His loving relationship with His Father (John 5:19), and He often spoke about His Father. In fact, in the four gospels, Jesus addressed God as “Father” more than any other name - 203 times compared to 2 times for “Holy” and zero times for “Almighty.”
Referring to God as Father, “Abba” – meaning Papa or Daddy – was unheard of in 1st-century Judaism. Yet, Jesus was adamant to reveal God as Father. He was challenging the religious perception of God. The Pharisees and teachers of the law had created primarily a legalistic and judgmental view of God. Their starting point was not love, but holiness and righteousness. So they taught about a god whose rules and judgments controlled and instilled fear into every aspect of society.
However, Jesus knew the Father was the essence of “agape” (unconditional love), a sacrificial love that is willing to lay down one’s life for another. Agape love is an unselfish love that always prefers, serves, promotes, and blesses others – even one’s enemies. It is a love that is not earned but is freely and abundantly given despite one’s failures and mistakes.
Jesus so strongly opposed the Pharisees and teachers of the law because they misrepresented the true nature and heart of God to the people around them. They kept the people from understanding their true privilege and walking in their inheritance as beloved children of the Father. The Pharisees and teachers of the law kept the people from receiving and overflowing with the fullness of God’s love, which could then transform a broken world.
What is your primary perception of God? Are you living with the knowledge that you are unconditionally loved and blessed? Or are you afraid that you are not measuring up or that you are constantly failing as a human being? Your starting perception of God will determine the growth of your relationship and intimacy with Him.
If your image of God is primarily Holy, you will live in constant fear. After all, how easy is it to develop intimacy with a judge? If you are always afraid that God will point out your faults and highlight your inadequacies, you will keep your distance from Him.
If your image of God is primarily righteous, then you will see life as black and white. Your focus will be more on your behavior and pointing out the wrong in situations, in your own life, and in those around you. This will often develop a negative and self-righteous mindset, which is found in pride in achievements.
It’s time to have a fresh revelation of the Father’s heart and discover His true affection toward you. Jesus revealed the unconditional love of the Father, a love that is not earned or deserved but is lavished upon us because the Father’s nature is pure love. Receiving the Father’s agape love allows you to receive your inheritance as God’s child, knowing that you are blessed and favored and LOVED. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any wrong perceptions or judgments you have towards God so that you can receive Him as the Father that Jesus revealed Him to be.