The Power of Gentleness

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

For many, gentleness is seen as weakness or powerlessness. However, if we unpack the spiritual fruit of gentleness, this is so far from the truth. Gentleness is powerful. It disarms conflict, brings peace, and creates an atmosphere of security and trust.

Gentleness in itself is a sign of maturity. It does not react to circumstances but responds with humility, meekness, and quiet confidence. When gentleness is expressed, it speaks calmly to the storms of life and releases peace to the fury and chaos of turbulent relationships. The environment of gentleness is absent of judgment and opens hearts to hear the necessary truth. Its peace-making nature does not agitate a conflict but prepares the way for wisdom and revelation to be released into the battle through loving confrontation.

Communicating with gentleness expresses the tenderness of Father God. It speaks with comfort and compassion in the midst of pain. This in itself begins to create an atmosphere of security and rest, a perfect place for one to receive wisdom and healing. Often we think of God’s powerful nature as being forceful and dominant. However, in my experience, I have rarely found God in the earthquake, wind, or fire, but have most often heard Him through His “still small voice” of gentleness (1Kings 19:12). A gentle nature stills the heart to hear the tender affection of God and discern the quiet promptings of His spirit. Rarely is God’s voice audible, but as we mature in Christ, we realize that He continually loves, teaches, and even admonishes us by His gentleness, not by judgment, anger, or rage.

As we learn that God continually treats and loves us through His gentleness, we discover more about His character and how we are to reflect His image and likeness. The word “gentle” is the fuel to the word “gentleman.” This word represents one who has a character of politeness, honor, and service to prefer those who seem weaker or are in need of care. A gentleman is chivalrous and is willing to lay down his life for others. He regards others more highly than himself and makes sure that others are looked after first. He defends the weak and provides for the oppressed. By living with integrity, uprightness, righteousness, and justice, he will create a sense of honor and respect and will not allow others to be shamed or disgraced. That is the nature of a “gentle-man”.

Gentleness is a powerful weapon against the enemy. Satan is always seeking to gain authority in our lives by causing us to react to the circumstances that he orchestrates. However, the response of gentleness refuses to react to the tyranny, chaos, and oppression of the enemy. Rather it shifts the negativity and aggression of the atmosphere by calming the storm and releasing heaven’s peace.  Gentleness is powerful, and as we learn to allow the Holy Spirit to grow and mature this fruit in our lives, we will discover the self-control to be peacemakers and be blessed to be called Children of God.


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The Fruit of Fruitfulness: Self-Control